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As I stepped into Nepal I was discouraged because I didn’t know the language. In Turkey, we were given the feedback that we should know the language of the people we are ministering to, and that without knowing the language we are stunted from truly reaching people. Though this has validity to it Satan was using it to take my motivation away. I felt a lack of purpose in our reason for being in Nepal.

“What is the point of any of this since the locals could do a better job?” I thought the local Christians would fit better in these roles as they knew the language and the culture. However, during the first house visit in the mountains of Nepal God revealed to me the reason we were there.

The local people haven’t had the resources we have had. They don’t have the knowledge or education that has been easily accessible to us. I’ve been taught how to look at scripture and see the truth of what it is saying. It has been demonstrated to me and I have been challenged to do it myself. I’ve been to Bible school which taught me to dig deep into the context of the Bible and understand the meaning behind the words. Bible school set me up to read the Bible, how to see God everywhere in and through it.

Understanding the Bible now comes easily to me. I’ve heard so many messages and stories from the Bible. It is no longer a mystery to me. However, that is not the reality for the people of Nepal. They haven’t been immersed in the Christian culture. They don’t know the truths of the Bible or the character of God. They are misguided.

Most new Christians we met were still worshiping other gods. A lot of individuals were illiterate and couldn’t even read the Bible. Our job and responsibility was to tell these people about Christ who He is and what He wants from their lives.

There have been times in my life when I have questioned whether reading the Bible was important. I had a relationship with the Lord as I prayed and I thought that was good enough. However, I have discovered that without the Bible you become lost and confused.

As humans, we are very influenced by the people around us and if we don’t have anything coming into contradiction from those things, we start to believe them. Through natural human reasoning/deception of Satan what the world believes starts to make sense to us. However that is not the truth, Jesus says, “I am the way the truth, and the life… (John 14:6)”

If we base our life on the beliefs of the people of the world we are taking ourselves away from the truth. Without the Bible, we have no direction or indication of what is right or wrong. Then we start sacrificing babies because that is what feels right to us. Reading and knowing the Bible is important. The Bible points us to the truth, it points us to Christ.

Nepal doesn’t have a history of Christianity, therefore, it is normal to worship many gods. There are years and years of traditions of their ancestors worshiping idols. This has affected their daily lives and how they think. To us, it makes sense once you become a Christian you don’t worship another god. However, for them, Jesus is just another god, specifically a god of healing.

On top of the Nepali people not knowing the Bible or understanding it, there is no discipleship to teach them. I am not sure throughout the country of Nepal but where we were located they lacked a shepherd. Someone penetrating their lives to apply Christ to their daily lives.

Nepal has seen the working power of Christ when it comes to healing. They have seen his miraculous works as nothing else has helped these people. They don’t have much, therefore, they must rely on the resources around them. When those don’t work, some turn to Christ seeking healing. However, sometimes that has resulted in Jesus being just a god of healing.

Over and over again my squad talked to Nepali people about how Jesus is so much more than just another god of healing but the one true God, the only God of the universe. And I pray they understood. I pray that they come to understand who Christ truly is. Through God’s provision, I have known the ten commands the beginning starts with, “You shall have no other gods before me (Exodus 20:3).”

If you are in a place where you allow the worship of idols you are opening a doorway for other spiritual beings into your life. These “gods” influence your life as you allow them in. If you are not on the side of Jesus Christ you are on Satan’s side. Those gods are working for Satan, if it is not Satan himself they are his workers. This is real, these idols are just statues that can’t hear or speak, they can manipulate your life but not for the good. With agreement to these beings comes death, there is a false sense of pleasure that always leads to emptiness. Satan deceives, he makes you believe he cares about you when all he really cares about is not having you on God’s side.

Jesus Christ is the only one true God, the only one who truly protects, heals, and loves you. We need to turn from our deceptive ways and look towards God as He is the only one who gives life. What Nepal needs is more of Christ, this is through bible reading, discipleship, and most importantly the Holy Spirit. 

2 responses to “What Nepal Needs”

  1. Very good thoughts! Even in Canada l couldn’t understand the Bible even though I was trying to. Finally reading a children’s Bible, I gave my life to Jesus. After that, the Holy Spirit, enlightened me and helped me through various sources, the main one in my day was radio programs. Though, I went to church pretty well all my life scripture was really replaced with religion, mainly doing as many good works which was impossible with my sin nature. The very first revelation to me was that Jesus is God! That is definitely the basis of believing the gospel. Studying and ultimately teaching the Bible, caused me to grow spiritually. I am so thankful, He is using you and because of this experience you are not only growing but also disciplining others to grow as 2 Peter 3:18 says. “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.”