
Sharing Purpose, Discoveries and Stories from the Mission Field

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God has taken me on a wild journey. I move about every 8 months since I was twenty-one. This is how God has led me to the World Race. I have been living and working at a Christian kid’s summer camp since the fall of 2022. I hoped my role at camp would be made permanent; unfortunately, they could not financially keep me on. Since my position at camp wasn’t continuing, I asked the Lord, what is the next step?

I’ve been in a similar place before, where I was looking toward the next step. However, instead of asking God, “Where should I go next?” I asked myself. I made my own plans. In the past, when things didn’t work out I would look at the next logical decision. In the year 2020, the most logical decision was to buy a house.

I was at the stage in my life (twenty-four years old) where I thought I should start looking at making some equity. Nevertheless, after talking to an elderly couple from my church I realized that I didn’t want to buy a house. I didn’t want to be tied down to one place, committed to paying off a mortgage. I wouldn’t be free to go where the Lord called.  Therefore, I asked myself the question,  “What do you want?” and the answer that came to mind was bible school. I wanted to go back to bible school. I studied at Capernwray Harbour from 2016-2017 and planned to do a second year but never did. I never felt like my time there was done. Thus, I went back to Capernwray for a second year.

I learned from this experience that God doesn’t want an ordinary life for me. God works outside the box and that is what He has done and is continually doing in my life. That leads me to ask, “What is the next step, God? What is the next adventure You have in store for me?”

It’s been challenging living at camp as I live alone. It’s been hard since day one and it really hit me when most of my coworkers went off on their vacations. I was deep-cleaning cabins alone, giving me lots of time to think. I wasn’t content in my life. I didn’t enjoy the way I was living. While I was cleaning the cabins, I was listening to the audiobook, The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun. Brother Yun led an inspirational ministry life. The way Brother Yun lived his life was what I wanted. When I asked myself the question, “What do you want to do next?” Egypt came to my mind.

When first attended Capernwray in 2016 went to Egypt. Like Capernwray, I didn’t feel like my time in Egypt was done. It was an amazing country and I could see the need for God. Therefore, after cleaning cabins one day I searched for mission trips in Egypt and the World Race popped up. Now the World Race August 2023 is not going to Egypt but not a lot of mission organizations are. The opportunity looked interesting so I decided to pray about it.

Through the journey of living alone, I realized how unsatisfied I am living in a first-world country.  I thought that maybe the loneliness I felt was because of the culture I live in. Canada and most of North America live in very individualistic societies. Once you hit a certain age you are expected to move out of your family’s home and make it on your own. The “Me” mentality dominates western societies, where you are more concerned with yourself than anyone else. You have to do what is best for you no matter the consequences for other people. However, that was never how God intended us to live. We need each other.

In December 2022, I listened to the book, Misinterpreting the Scriptures through Western Eyes by Brandon J. O’Brien. My eyes were opened to how different cultures engage with life. There isn’t just one way to live life, Westerns aren’t specifically doing life “the right way.” After understanding why my heart felt lonely, the desire to live somewhere else started. I truly believe this desire is from the Lord. I believe He has brought me to this broken place to desire more from life. To have the motivation and determination to continue to pursue Him in another country.

My heart is to work in Egypt, however, there aren’t a lot of opportunities to do mission work in Egypt (or none that I have been able to find). After spending some time praying about the race I never received a no. Throughout my journey with the Lord, there have been a lot of ups and downs. A lot of yeses and a lot of nos.

A story about how I knew it wasn’t a no. Last spring when I felt my heart moving towards camp, I wondered if I was done working at my current job. I knew that if I didn’t quit (because I could’ve technically come back after camp) I was making a plan B. However, God wanted me to trust in His plan A. If I wasn’t coming back what was I going to do fall of 2022? What was the next step, God?

I have some interest in studying counseling. I found a Christian college where you could receive a diploma in one year, but it was an intense year. It seemed like an awesome program and a great next step. Unfortunately, God said no. While I was laying in bed late one night I asked God, “Should I go to this college?” and I heard a resounding no. And that was it, no more college. I didn’t understand why but trusted God was going to provide something else. I had no plans going into the summer and I ended up staying at Camp.

God never said no to the World Race which I knew meant it was a yes. After applying and going through the interview I honestly thought they could reject me. I’ve never felt that way before. In other Christian organizations I have applied to I was always sure I would be accepted.  I told Him if this wasn’t the place He wanted me to be I would look more seriously at going to Egypt. This was why my acceptance affirmed that this is the program God wanted me to be in.

Though I will be gone for 11 months, I won’t be doing long terms missions which is what my heart longs for. I see the World Race as an opportunity to experience other cultures while receiving a closer look into what overseas missions could look like. I am also hoping the World Race will provide me with connections to do long terms missions work in the future. And that is what led me to the World Race.